


商用卡车驾驶是一个多样化的领域,有各种路线和时间表,以满足运输和物流行业的许多需求. Behind the wheel of many trucks are local truck drivers, 谁在维持国家和社区的经济引擎方面发挥关键作用. 

有兴趣探索开阔道路的人可以更多地了解当地卡车司机的生活——他们的工作, 他们工作的地方, 和 教育和培训 需要成为一个. 


的 primary categories within the 卡车司机 field are over-the-road (OTR), 区域, 还有当地的卡车司机.

的 three types differ with respect to the distances they cover, 他们旅行的持续时间, the driver’s familiarity with specific regions or localities, 和 nature of the driver’s interactions along the routes.


长途 OTR司机 often cover vast distances, traveling across the country from coast to coast. 的se drivers may be on the road for weeks at a time before returning home. 

OTR司机 haul various products ranging from perishables to heavy machinery. 他们运输的货物通常有宽大的运输窗口,可以承受越野运输. Due to the long distances and diverse routes they drive, OTR驾驶员通常需要熟练地处理在多个州行驶时发生的不同路况.


Regional drivers typically operate within a specific U.S. region, such as the Midwest or the Northeast. 他们的行程各不相同,但在回家之前,他们可能会旅行几天到一周. 不愿意一次在路上花三到四周时间的司机, 就像OTR司机有时做的那样, may find their calling in 区域 卡车司机. 

Like OTR司机, 区域 drivers transport a variety of goods. Regional drivers need to be familiar with specific 区域 nuances, 比如当地的交通模式, 气候条件, 以及地区法规.


当地的卡车司机通常在200英里的半径范围内运营,覆盖一个特定的城市, 一群城镇, 或者一个州. 与OTR和地区司机相比,他们的路线更紧凑,这意味着当地卡车司机通常在完成任务后每天回家. 的ir shifts might be more consistent, often mirroring typical working hours, although some drivers might work nights or weekends, depending on the nature of their jobs.

Local truck drivers might deliver to specific types of locations regularly, 比如零售商店, 餐厅, 或者住宅区. 的y might handle goods like groceries, furniture, or packages.

Driving as a local trucker can be challenging and rewarding. 而OTR和区域司机可能沿着一条路线行驶更长的距离, 本地司机需要能够在较小的本地道路上驶离高速公路. 因为他们的运输频率, 当地司机可能还需要一天几次倒进狭窄的装货码头, 因此,当地卡车司机公司通常要求至少12个月的经验也就不足为奇了.


当地的卡车司机,通常被称为当地的CDL司机,因为要求他们有一个 商用驾照(CDL),帮助形成美国的中坚力量.S. ground-based logistics and transportation systems. 他们的作用对于确保货物——从农产品到丙烷再到庭院家具——及时到达预定目的地至关重要. 

But what do the day-to-day activities of a local truck driver look like?

Work Environment for a Local Truck Driver

如上所述, local truck drivers primarily operate within specific areas, 城市, 或状态, 使他们比长途飞行的同行更频繁地回家. 这提供了一个混合驾驶的兴奋与当地路线的稳定性.

的se drivers might work for retailers, 配送中心, 或者运输公司, 确保货物从仓库到商店或直接到消费者手中.

Local Truck Driver Job Responsibilities

与客户, 企业, 当地经济也依赖于它们, local truck drivers have many duties and responsibilities. 这里只是其中的一些:

  • 安全运行. 的 safety of both the driver and other road users is crucial. A local truck driver must adhere to all traffic rules and regulations.
  • 装卸. 根据工作的不同,司机可能需要帮助装卸货物.
  • 文档. 司机需要准确记录他们的送货量、里程和工作时间.
  • 路线规划. While drivers might have regular routes, 交通状况或施工等情况可能需要在最后一刻改变路线.
  • 车辆维修. 定期检查车辆并确保其处于最佳状态是当地卡车司机工作的关键部分.

Local CDL Driver Education and Experience Requirements

现在让我们来谈谈成为当地CDL司机所需的教育途径和技能. 的 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates U.S. 商用驾驶标准. 

For a person to legally drive a commercial vehicle, a state CDL is required. 个人必须通过其所在州的CDL考试才能在美国合法经营商业机动车辆(cmv). 

商业驱动 Training and Licensure

CDL测试旨在确保驾驶员具备必要的技能, 知识, and understanding to safely operate a CMV. CDL测试通常由两个主要部分组成:书面知识测试和技能测试. 各州之间CDL测试的要求和具体内容可能略有不同. 

In all states, aspiring truck drivers typically need to attend a 专业的CDL培训计划 that meets the FMCSA’s entry-level driver training (ELDT) requirements. 这些课程既满足联邦对新商业司机的要求,又为有抱负的司机准备他们所在州的CDL考试. 在一些州,某些类型的商业司机可能不受这些培训要求的限制, such as military or emergency drivers.

Skills Required of a Local Truck Driver

Given that local 卡车司机 responsibilities can be varied and complex, this role requires many different skills. Consider just some of these necessary capabilities:

  • 轻松驾驶和指路. 对这类司机来说,熟悉当地的道路、地址和送货点至关重要. 强烈的方向感和对GPS设备的熟悉也可以使旅行更有效率.
  • 体力. 这份工作可能要求很高, requiring physical strength and stamina for tasks like loading, 卸货, and focusing for long hours on the road.
  • 注重细节. Whether it’s adhering to safety protocols, 维护日志, or determining whether a loading space is clear to back into, 当地卡车司机的许多职责都要求精确和准确.
  • 沟通技巧. 当地司机可能与企业员工和经理有频繁的互动, so they need to develop effective communication skills. 

Job Outlook for 本地货车司机 

Employment opportunities for truck drivers are on an upward trajectory. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计,在2022年至2032年间,送货卡车司机的就业人数将增加10%, 而重型和牵引拖车司机的就业将增加4%. 由于对货物运输的持续需求和依赖于及时交货的经济, the demand for skilled local CDL truck drivers is expected to rise.

Start Your Career in 商业驱动 

对开阔的道路充满热情? Fortis is here to steer you in the right direction. 的 高级拖拉机拖车驾驶 program provides the in-depth 知识, 高级技能发展, 你需要课堂指导才能成为新一代有执照的拖拉机拖车司机.

As a graduate of our commercial driver diploma program, 你将准备好操作车辆的显著重量,并在运输经济中发挥重要作用. 与我们一起潜入商业驾驶的世界,开始作为当地卡车司机的充实职业生涯. 今天就十大正规赌博平台大全,了解更多关于我们的课程和即将到来的开始日期.

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DAT Freight and Analytics, “How to Become a Commercial Truck Driver”
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, ELDT Applicability 
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Delivery Truck Drivers and Driver/Sales Workers 
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers